Thursday, August 25, 2011

great wall of china

from the moment i decided i was going to china i was super excited to see the great wall. and then the day came. i have never wanted so much to see a historical site in my life.

it was an hour and 20 minute bus ride out of beijing to this particular part of the wall. $3 bus ride, $30 wall entrance ticket, and a lot of walking. we took a cable car to the highest point of the wall in this area. there were so many people when we arrived at the top at around 2pm but later in the day (it closes at 5) there was practically no one.

you can see how packed this part of the wall was, i thought people were going to fall out

this is my friend, Rob, who showed me around all of beijing and was kind enough to take me to so many of the tourist sites throughout my stay even tho he'd seen them all like 10 times before

this pic and the next were just nuts, it really looked like people were just falling off an edge of the wall

the wall in many places had very steep grades and with such crowds pushing their way through it would have been like a domino effect had someone lost their balance

where's the asian waldo? i like how a few others are doing the exact same thing as me lol


the battery in my camera died as i made my way around the wall. at least i had my phone camera because the clouds finally passed and the scenery was just awesome towards the bottom of the wall.

love you guys!