Thursday, April 7, 2011

koh tao


i left the island of koh tao (turtle island) off the eastern coast of the gulf of thailand.  it was interesting weather wise.  apparently while i was there the whole gulf experienced the worst storms in over ten years.  along with lightening and streets and buildings flooding, the thai navy came and 'rescued' people from the island.  there were also helicopters picking people up from soccer fields to get them to the navy ship.  to be honest tho, the precipitation was about as bad as washington in february, and it was the first time since i left the states that i even saw rain.  i kinda secretly enjoyed it.

the whole purpose of me going to the island of koh tao was to learn how to scuba dive and now... renton has a new member of the 'open water scuba diving' club!!  the conditions were like 5 meters (16ish feet) visibility which i didn't think were too bad but all the instructors were complaining like it was the worst time of their lives.  whatev, i'm certified!  and it was fun!  saw tons of different fish, turtles and the like.  i'm definitely gonna do it again, maybe in vietnam or australia.

i didn't take too many pics during while in koh tao mainly because i was too busy diving.  i should've taken one in my scuba gear tho cuz i totally looked really cool... maybe.  i also took a muay thai class while on koh tao, learned some proper technique and had some fun.  and then i cut the bottom of my foot  when i was swimming the next day.  doh.  but it should be healed by the time i reach chiang mai in northern thailand for the thai new year, and i'll definitely take pics of the gyms there.

talk in a bit :)

i'm scuba certified!

a really cool resort i found on the northern part of koh tao in the middle of a forest 


  1. Great story...don't feel bad for you one bit brother. And I know you really enjoyed it for the boat ride, brutal, I wouldn't have made it
