Thursday, March 3, 2011

navsari and umbar


since our little group met in goa, we've been to hempi and now navsari ("no-sorry"), where kish's family's place is.  we've met his relatives on both his mom and dad's side, eaten in their homes (two separate villages) and stayed with his autie and uncle and cousins at their house for a night.  it's awesome here, definitely different... eating with your (right) hand, squating toliets (sucks), and livestock everywhere.  everywhere.  and i milked a friggin buffalo on their farm today!  please don't ask about that one tho, definitely weird.

so kelly and diego had to take off yesterday. diego northeast to delhi to fly back to argentina (he travels every february for a month, and his time was up), and kelly is off to thailand to get settled in for thai new year (april 13-15).   and now inez, kish and i are figuring out what we want to do before kish heads back to england next thursday...  i think they want to go to some super, awesome, super club in mumbai.  hmmm, sure, i'll try it.

i think i'm gonna head up north to nepal, maybe.  or fly to burma.  not really sure yet, but i'm sure i'll find something.  but one thing for certain is the GIBBON EXPERIENCE in laos.  i won't go into detail (gooooogle ;) , but it consists of tree houses in the middle of some laotian jungle and they have zip lines to all of the tree houses around the jungle.  it's like a three day exploration, and you stay the nights in the tree houses!  it's like $250 american, so you can see the seriousness of it's awesomeness.

i'll post pics where/when i can (i think kish took a picture of me milking that ram), although i think i've said that before, but i haven't had wifi since goa.

hope you are all well :)


                                                                         kish's family

diego, me, inez, kelly

on the way to kish's family farm

eating on the floor, indian custom

buffalos!!  and they're everywhere

clockwise: me, inez, diego, kish, kelly


  1. Wow, The Gibbon Experience looks phenomenal... minus the spiders that are the size of my torso. ;)

