Monday, March 21, 2011

india in general (very general)

hey fam and friends!

i've been on the road a lot the past couple weeks.  i have tons of pics to show but no wifi to post them.  so instead of posting events without pics i'll try to tell of how i've seen india thus far.

it's definitely a cool place to visit, explore and learn a completely different culture.  the people are smiley, nice and friendly, but very agressive in terms of sales and profit.  as for the atmosphere there is poverty everywhere, even in the upscale areas.  trash is on the streets (some places knee high) and in the gutters and sidewalks, and cows and livestock of all kinds eating and sleeping in it.  because of this, tourism may seem like a huge market (and of course it is) but not in the way i initially thought.

india is impressively unique.  the sellers and locals may cater to the tourist when it comes to making a dollar but they don't integrate themselves to the western lifestyle.  when it comes to entertainment, for example, as much as they love hollywood, their movies are completely filled with singing and dancing, like frickin live-action disney films.  their television shows are no different.  the appearance of a typical indian is what you would see in a western film: red dots on the forehead representing different castes of beliefs, turbans for the muslims, curry on every menu.  blah, blah, blah.  and so many people are singing and dancing all the time, whether in public or in a tuk tuk.  it's kinda refreshing to see people maintain their culture regardless of outside influences.  except for the toilets, damn they need to get on board with the crappers.

as far as relaxation goes, goa was prolly the only place i visited that one could really get r&r.  it's totally hippie-ville and the streets are definitely tourist, but one could relax (it has tons of beaches).  everywhere else is pretty fast paced.

as far as pricing and costs go i find them to be interesting so maybe some of you guys will as well.

$1 = 45 rupees

-2 star hotel: rupees 300-400
-5 min tuk tuk ride: 40
-hour of internet: 40
-pop: 25
-1 liter bottled water: 20
-small pack of cigarettes (10): 38
-curry meal (average cost): 80
-hour helicopter ride: 2200
-long sleeve shirt (average cost): 200
-12 hour bus ride (sleeper): 800

so that's my weak attempt at trying to stereotype india.  all in all, it has been just frickin awesome to see and i recommend it to anyone looking for a change of pace.


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